Nora Archaeological Park

Nora and tower Sardinia

Mary Novakovich shares her experience of this important and beautiful archaeological site in southwest Sardinia… Photos by Adam Batterbee   Founded by the Phoenicians in the 9th century BC and then ruled from Carthage, Nora became Sardinia’s principal city when the Romans took over in 238BC. Nora’s precarious position on a spit of land made […]

Sardinia’s song of the south

Beach at Sa Pinetta Sardinia

Many people seek the northernmost reaches of Sardinia for their holidays. Mary Novakovich headed the other way – southwest of Cagliari – to a corner of the island where the pace of life is slower Photos by Adam Batterbee   The name of the house was a good omen. Casetta Maria – Mary’s Little House […]

Viewpoint: Cagliari Cathedral

Cagliari Cathedral was built in the 13th century in the Pisan-Romanesque style and later renovated in the Baroque style. Both can be seen here… Every Easter, the Cagliari branch of the Confraternita del Gonfalone carries a likeness of Sant’Efisio from its church in the quarter of Stampace up to the Cattedrale di Santa Maria e […]

48 hours in Cagliari

From ancient to exotic, Cagliari has it all. Sardinian resident Heather Browne spends a weekend getting to grips with the island’s colourful capital In attractive centre boasting vibrant culture and history? Check. A mild climate that regularly permits shirtsleeves in January? Check. One of Europe’s longest beaches? Check. No, it’s not Barcelona but Italy’s latest […]

Island of Traditions – Part 1

Photojournalist Marina Spironetti travelled to inland Sardinia and the remote region of Barbagia to document the most fascinating and ancient carnival traditions of the island… The glitzy atmosphere of the Costa Smeralda could not be further away. That coastline may be what the island is most famous for, but it’s not the real Sardinia – […]

Maddalena Archipelago

With crystal clear blue waters and a rugged granite coastline, the picturesque area of the Maddalena Archipelago has to be the perfect summer retreat… The Maddalena Archipelago consists of a group of seven large islands and several smaller islets that litter the stretch of the Strait of Bonifacio between northeast Sardinia and Corsica. The main […]

Three Top Beaches

Italy’s coastline offers an abundance of coastal escapes and it’s no secret that they are all beautiful. We’ve tried to help you out with a few of our favourites… San Vito Lo Capo Sicily San Vito Lo Capo in Sicily is often described as the best beach along Italy’s coastline with its zealous atmosphere, soft […]

Viewpoint: Underwater Caves

Beneath Sardinia’s beautiful surface exists a world ripe for discovery. Underwater caves and strange creatures await those who dare to dive. The beauty of Sardinia’s landscape is much documented, but there’s a whole other side to this paradise in the Mediterranean. Deep underwater lurks a very different sort of holidaymaker to the typical beach-dwelling tourist. […]

48 Hours in Alghero

With its illustrious history and array of natural wonders, Alghero is certainly a place with plenty to explore. Marina Spironetti unlocks the secrets that belong to this sun-kissed Sardinian city. The light. The most special thing about Alghero, in my opinon, is the light. Especially in the evening, when the sea-facing walls seem to catch […]

Sardinia: Living Like The Locals

With the help of trusted local residents, Sebastian Cresswell-Turner discovers that there’s more to Sardinia than the Costa Smeralda… Whether it is laziness, the passing of the years, or perhaps the late onset of common sense, I don’t know, but whenever I go somewhere new, I like, nowadays, to place myself firmly in the hands […]