5 Thermal spas to visit in Lombardy

Thermal spas lombardy feature

Penny Wainwright travelled to Lombardy to discover five of Italy’s thermal spas, each with its own unique qualities… Words and images © Penny Wainwright The term ‘spa’ is sometimes said to come from an acronym of the Latin phrase ‘sanus per aquam’, meaning ‘health through water’, but while that’s a neat idea, it isn’t true. […]

Day trips from Rome: 12 top locations to visit in Lazio

Temple of Vesta Tivoli with passing train taking day trips from Rome

Let Elisa Colarossi take you on a voyage of discovery around Lazio, with her 12 favourite day trips to take from Rome Words by Elisa Colarossi. Lazio, my region. A region of many wonders; a compound of sumptuous landscapes, ancient medieval hamlets, superb regional delicacies and ravishing nature. Bordered by the Tirreno waves and traversed […]

5 reasons to visit Pisa

Laughing woman tourist holding slice of pizza in Pisa

The famous leaning tower isn’t the only reason to visit Pisa. Here are our top things to do in the city… 1. Sample Tuscan wines Wine aplenty is to be found at Bacchus Enoteca (Via Mascagni) and, as Tuscany is one of Italy’s most famous wine-producing regions, you can be sure of sampling something special. […]

5 foodie reasons to visit Naples

table with pizza overlooking city on visit to Naples

Love delicious Italian food? Looking for your next adventure? Look no further and discover our five foodie reasons to visit the beautiful Naples! 1. Pizza – of course! You can’t visit Naples without sampling the delights of the ubiquitous pizza! Naples saw the creation of the Margherita pizza during a royal visit to the city […]

6 alternative things to do in Puglia

trulli to visit in Puglia

Looking for things to do in Puglia? Kate Wickers recommends 6 ways to explore this charming region at a more considered pace Featured photo © Kate Wickers Words by Kate Wickers It’s not so very long ago that Puglia was off the tourist map, judged as the poor southern relation to culturally rich northern Italy. […]

10 best things to see and do in Le Langhe

Italian signposts to represent things to do in Le Langhe

Kate Wickers picks out her top 10 things to do in Le Langhe as she heads for adventure in this beautiful part of Italy… Featured photo © Richard Semik/Adobe Stock Words by Kate Wickers In Italy there’s a saying, andare per Langa (heading for Le Langhe), which is used for when you’re off on an […]

Living in Sardinia: Our Island life

Dave and Marie Tringham living in Sardinia

Living in Sardinia sounds like a tempting prospect. Dave and Marie Tringham from Sheffield share their experience of Island life.  Photo © Dave and Marie Tringham Dave and Marie Tringham are well-placed to share a taste of what it’s like living in Sardinia. They own a two-bedroom apartment in a small beach town in the […]

48 hours in suburban Rome

streets of pigneto in suburban rome

Revealing another side to the Eternal City, Elisa Colarossi takes us on a guided tour around the treasures of Rome’s suburbs… As any born-and-bred Roman, I acknowledged early in my life that with its enticing history, movie-like atmosphere and picture-perfect features, Rome is undoubtedly the city of dreams. But behind that magical façade, another kind […]