5 foodie reasons to visit Naples

table with pizza overlooking city on visit to Naples

Love delicious Italian food? Looking for your next adventure? Look no further and discover our five foodie reasons to visit the beautiful Naples! 1. Pizza – of course! You can’t visit Naples without sampling the delights of the ubiquitous pizza! Naples saw the creation of the Margherita pizza during a royal visit to the city […]

Wellness in the mountains

Amy McPherson discovers the healing power of nature in the mountains and ancient forests of Trentino Images by Amy McPherson unless otherwise stated It has just rained. Soft, dense and moist autumn leaves cushion our steps, and I have the urge to pounce beneath the leafy heaps like a cat, to dig my paws into […]

The Grandeur of Venetian Palaces

The best way to see the wealth of sumptuous palaces in Venice is by water, says Sara Scarpa Images by Iain Reid  The Grand Canal, Venice’s main artery, is where the most illustrious Venetian noble families lived and where the most prestigious palaces still stand. These palazzi have been the homes of artists, writers, musicians, […]

The new issue of Italia! is out now

As travel restrictions continue to lift around the world, we’ve been thrilled to see so many of you returning to your favourite places in Italy after so long. Why not prepare for your next trip with our brand new issue, which takes you on a whistle-stop tour around the country to reveal the extraordinary castles […]

Captivating Castelli

We’ve rounded up some of our favourite Italian castles, so if you’re looking for a memorable day out or a place to stay that’s oozing with history, you’ll find the perfect destination here, says Jenny Oldaker. Italy is so liberally sprinkled with castles, it’s difficult to choose just a few favourites. From solid medieval stone […]

Finders, Keepers

Discover how the finest treasures of Pompeii found their way to Naples with Joe Gartman Images by Patricia Gartman Let’s say you’re a well-connected citizen of Pompeii back in about 80 BC (don’t worry, it’s another century-and-a-half before Vesuvius is set to blow) and you’re invited to dinner at the most luxurious house in town. […]

Discover the Rolli Palaces of Genoa

The Palazzi dei Rolli are a living showcase for the wealth and power of certain 17th-century Genoese families The lavish Palaces of the Rolli were the ultimate display of familial affluence, influence and splendour during Genoa’s Renaissance and Baroque periods. To see one such building survive to this day is remarkable, yet this port city […]

Majella travel guide

Find some of the best places to stay, visit or eat while staying around Majella with Val Nicastro’s guide to the highlights of the area… What to see and do Hike the spiritual trail The Majella National Park offers visitors a vast network of fantastic hiking routes, including the fascinating Spiritual Trail, which runs for […]

Italy at your fingertips

Dreaming of Italy? Rachael Martin looks at how you can bring the country closer to you with online experiences, from live-streamed art history and cookery classes, wine tastings and more. There’s no doubt that the past two years have clipped our wings somewhat – and while travel appears to be opening up again, for many, […]

48 hours in Majella

Officially listed in the UNESCO Geopark network, Majella in Abruzzo is a dream for nature lovers, as Val Nicastro discovers. Images by Val Nicastro About an hour’s drive inland from Pescara and the beaches of the Adriatic coast, the Majella National Park is one of those hidden gems of Italy that impress with their simplicity […]