The new issue of Italia! magazine is packed with vibrant features to inspire your armchair travels and your plans for the future. Take the scenic route this issue with a leisurely spring road trip from Sorrento to Salerno via the picturesque coastal highway, then delve deep into the waters that surround the coast, with a look at the wealth of Italy’s marine life. Join in the celebration of Italy’s long-standing love affair with all things chocolate, brush up on your Italian skills with the dual-language Gazzetta feature which reports on new discoveries at Pompeii, and enjoy an illuminating interview with award-winning photographer Marina Spironetti. In the kitchen, you’ll find classic Easter recipes, authentic dishes from Florence, wines from Campania, Italian tinned plum tomatoes on test and a new step-by-step guide to making fresh pasta. Plus your photos, expert advice and much more!
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What’s inside issue this issue of Italia!
A sartorial guide to Naples: A guide to some of the world’s most exclusive tailoring houses
Pilgrimage to Possagno: Discover the work of Antonio Canova in Possagno
Into the Blue: A guide to Italy’s best coastal wildlife
Four takes on Biscuits: Take your coffee break to the next level
Taste Italia: Flavours of Florence
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