5 Best Italian Breads

Some 350 varieties of bread originate from Italy, from crusty loaves to unleavened flat breads and the crispy breadstick. Tuck into five of the best as chosen by Italia! 1. Focaccia Of all the breads, this ancient Ligurian bread with a mottled appearance, is popular all over the world. Oven baked, its name comes from the […]

Four ways to use Asparagus

It takes time and space to grow, and its season is short, yet there is nothing quite like the taste of fresh asparagus. Here are four ways the Italians use it to help herald the arrival of summer… 1. Toasted ciabatta with pea and asparagus purée Ciabatta con purè di piselli e asparagi Serves 2 […]

Ciabatta Recipe

Ciabatta was given its name because the bread resembles a well-worn slipper. Prolonged rising and plenty of liquid produce a very light bread with a uniquely open and porous texture. Ingredients FOR THE STARTER ½ tsp dried yeast 150ml water 3 tbsp tepid milk ¼ tsp honey or granulated sugar 150g strong white flour FOR […]